Classes - Seminars - craft shows



Rose Starling hosts


Class dates are September 12 - 15, 2024
Liberty Point Rec Center - Pueblo West, CO
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM all 4 days

"Girl in the Shawl"

Thursday and Friday

17" by 14"

Pencils, blenders and paper included

"King of the Rocks"

Saturday and Sunday

24" x 20"

Canvas included

The class prices are as follows: All 4 days - $395.00

First 2 Day Pencil Drawing Class September 12 & 13th (Pencils, blenders & Paper included)
You will need to bring a drawing board and any erasers you want. This class only is $195.00.

Second 2 Day Oil Class September 14 & 15 (Prepped Canvas Included).
If you don't have the paint and/or the brushes, I can furnish them for you to use. If I supply both paint and brushes, cost is $20.00 total for both days. If I only furnish paint or the brushes, it will be $10.00 total for both days. This class only is $210.00

The cost for all 4 days is $395.00. You can pay by cash, check or credit card. I also will do payments to help you break down the cost. Money is non-refundable after September 1, 2024.

For more information contact Rose Starling - 719-406-3260 or email





Country Christmas Bazaar Saturday and Sunday November TBA
Adams County Fairgrounds - My booth is located in the Al Lessor Building

Willow Creek Gift Shop in Colorado City, CO
I have many things on consignment at this quaint little gift shop.